When Bug was born we attended Gymboree classes. It was fun. I got to meet other new Moms and spend an hour playing with my baby. It was the thing to do. It was not brain science.
With Froggie I have found brain science, really, I have! We have started attending this program called Outside the Box. Outside the Box is like Mommy in me but Harvard style with a dash of steroids. Everything they do has a purpose. So if we are singing The Wheels on the Bus and using hand motions we are actually working on tracking. If we are doing a song that involves lifting the baby up and down we are working on vestibular input. I could probably list 30 different things we have worked on or should I say played on. Everything we do in our class is focused on brain development, attachment and bonding.
On Outside the Box’s webpage they have a mission statement which says: Our goal is to teach YOU how to teach YOUR baby! You are your baby’s first and most effective teacher! You are the “Architect” of your baby’s brain!
I love this! Froggie is my third baby and for obvious reasons I am very focused on his brain development. I have known about many of these concepts from reading about them or talking about them but it is different actually doing it with him.
If you live near Woodland Hills or even a little bit of a drive away you should check it out! They really are amazing. I do feel more connected to Froggie and am having a great time.
Oh, and I have Raffi’s Baby Buluga song on a permanent track in my head.
Tags: baby classes, brain development, outside the box