Fuzzi Bunz Cloth Diapers plus Flushable Liners!

In CategoryCloth Diaper Accessories, Cloth Diapering 101, Youtube Videos

If you’re looking for great cloth diaper demonstrations and tutorials you should definitely check out youtube.  There is a real wealth of cloth diapering information there and it’s always helpful to be able to see how products work firsthand.

We picked a video below, to demonstrate how to use what we consider to be a must-have cloth diapering accessory…the biodegradable/flushable liner!  It helps catch the poop, prevents messy cloth diaper stains and makes cloth diaper laundry so much easier.

Watch the video for a glimpse at how easy life can be when you combine flushable liners with the popular Fuzzi Bunz cloth diapers!

Little for Now Grand Re-Opening!

In CategoryCloth Diapers, Sales & Events

We’re celebrating the Grand Re-Opening of Little For Now!

Little For Now online cloth diaper boutique celebrates our Grand Reopening! We’ve been around for quite some time but Little For Now has changed ownership and now has a brand new look. We’re kicking off our new design and complete site makeover with a sale, save 15% off! Make sure to head over to our FaceBook Page for details.

Little For Now carries a great variety of products like

  • Cloth Diapers
  • Cloth Diaper Accessories
  • Greener Disposable and Hybrid Diapering Options
  • Breastfeeding and Nursing Gear
  • Eco Friendly Toys
  • Baby Gear
  • Green Living
  • Books, DVD’s & Music!

Little For Now is based out of sunny Los Angeles California. For more information please contact me!

Cloth Diapers vs. Disposable Diapers

In CategoryCloth Diapers, Cloth vs. Disposable, Green Living

Cloth vs. Disposable by: Lisa M. Carey

Many women don’t consider using cloth diapers unless their child has a reaction to a disposable diaper. However, there is a growing trend for many parents, and even celebrities in using stylish cloth diapers on their babies.  You will want the best for you baby, including the best diapering option out there!  Every parent chooses cloth diapers for their own personal reasons; however, the facts within this article are sure to have you consider using cloth diapers on your next baby.   We want parents to make informed decisions, so use the information within this article to help guide you in making your final decision.

One child will require between 5000-7000 diaper changes in the first two years of life. This means a family can spend upward of $2,600.00 in diapers by the time that child is potty trained.  This does not include the additional costs associated with using disposable diapers such as, creams, wipes, diaper genies or other plastic bags, and swimming or training diapers. With the wide selection of modern cloth diapers from single or dual system diapers, a family that chooses to use cloth diapers can save anywhere from  $1,600.00 per child over the child’s diapering life. This is a huge savings and families save even more when there is more than one child in diapers.

Parents often are not told of the health risks associated with using many baby products, including the potential hazards in a disposable diaper. Often they turn to cloth diapers as a resolution to their child’s skin problems or even asthma after they have tried everything else.  In a 1999 study, it was discovered that lab mice exposed to the chemicals released by 3 different types of disposable diapers experienced eye, nose and throat irritation and bronchoconstriction- a reaction similar to an asthma attack 1. Cloth diapers did not produce any of the same reactions. It is not common for parents to know that the dioxins in a disposable diaper are a highly carcinogenic by product of the paper bleaching process. It is banned in many countries, but not the US 2.  It is also imperative that parents remember that these ‘off-gasses’ are present in many baby products including crib mattresses and mattress covers.  It is always better to be proactive and preventative when it comes to our children’s health and safety, and it is a reminder to parents to not always accept messages given by manufacturers.

Have you ever stopped to think where the dirty diaper goes after you throw it in the garbage? It is estimated that 92% of disposable diapers make it to the landfill 3. Once there, the fecal matter left in a diaper contaminates soil and water, affecting the water quality and wildlife. Although fecal matter should be deposited into the toilet, whether you use cloth diapers or disposable diapers, most parents don’t bother depositing it into the toilet when they are just throwing out a diaper. However, when using cloth diapers it is recommended you dispose of fecal matter into the toilet where it belongs, prior to washing the diaper.  Therefore, the fecal matter is disposed of in a more sanitary way so it can be treated properly in a sewage plant once flushed down the toilet.  In addition, disposable diapers not only affect water quality when disposed into a landfill, but can take up to 500 years to decompose.  When you factor in 5000 diaper changes for one child,  that is a lot of diapers hanging around a landfill for the lifetime of that child and longer!

The next time you are shopping for that package of diapers, stop and think for a moment of the facts within this article. As an alternative shop at your local cloth diapering store or natural parenting boutique to ensure you are doing your best to care for your baby and the Earth.

1. “Disposable diapers linked to asthma”. Mothering Magazine. January/February 2000, Issue 98. Retrieved. from: http://www.mothering.com/green-living/disposable-diapers-linked-to-asthma

2 Allsopp, Michelle.  Achieving Zero Dioxin: An emergency strategy for dioxin elimination.  September 1994.  Greenpeace.  http://archive.greenpeace.org/toxics/reports/azd/azd.html

Back to School!

In CategoryPersonal Posts

I still can’t believe it!  Peanut has started Kindergarten.  His first day was Monday!  He looked adorable of course!

Peanuts first day of school

Peanut's First Day of School

We made sure to send him with a waste free lunch and a reusable water bottle.  Both of which he loved and was very proud of!

His first homework assignment was a poster called “All About Me”.  He had to answer questions about himself and we added pictures.  Here are some of the questions:

Favorite Place: Hawaii (Thanks Auntie Erin)

If I could have any wish I would wish for……CHOCOLATE!

Favorite Color: Black

Bug goes to school in about a week!

Cloth Diaper Twitter Party!

In CategorySales & Events

This is going to be a great event! Cloth Diaper Geek is having a Twitter Party with prizes.  It should be a lot of fun.

The following information is taken from Cloth Diaper Geek’s website.

When: Tuesday August 23, 2011

Time: 8pm PST, 11pm EST

Hashtag: #WestCoastCloth (open to everyone, not just the west coast)

Random Prizes: Our generous sponsors have donated Fuzzi Bunz,
GoGreen, TinyTush, Evolution, Knickernappies, AppleCheeks, HineyLineys,
Palm Tree Diapers, EcoSprout Soap, Rockin’ Green Soap, Kelly Wels
Changing Diapers Book, Gift Certificates and more!

Grand Prize: A 6-Pack of Evolution Diapers ION OneSize Cloth Diapers!

Details: Winners will be chosen at random from the RSVP list.  You do not have to be present to win the random prizes but the Grand Prize Winner must have been present to win (minimum 1 tweet during the party with the #westcoastcloth hashtag).

To RSVP: Click here to RSVP to attend and become eligible to win!

See you all there!

We are an Eco Fabulous Family!

In CategoryPersonal Posts

I am so excited to finally have a blog!  I am very passionate about living green and raising eco friendly children.  Teaching them to make choices that are gentle to earth is a top priority for me.  Bug is 8 and Peanut is 4 ½ and have an unbelievable amount of energy.

I own and operate three stores all focused on eco-friendly products and operate a showroom in the Los Angeles area.

I hope to use this blog to show off my Eco Fabulous Family and share tips for living green!

Here is a picture of Bug and Peanut!

All About Lisa

In CategoryPersonal Posts

Motivated to reduce her carbon footprint and provide a more environmentally friendly approach to raising her two children, Lisa Carey and her husband acquired three retail stores, Green Diaper Store (www.greendiaperstore.com) and Angel Bunz (www.angelbunz.com) in May 2009 and Little for Now (www.littlefornow.com) in May 2011.

After learning about all the chemicals and dangerous toxins used in paper diapers, Lisa was motivated to help her family live a greener life. From choosing cloth diapers & napkins, safer cleaners, and bath & beauty products to banishing plastic bags (from grocery to sandwich bags), Lisa learned that leading a greener lifestyle required a holistic approach.

Specializing in reliable, cost-effective, environmentally-friendly cloth diapers and other family friendly green product, Lisa Carey’s green stores offer families a large selection of alternatives to big-box non-recyclable products.

Lisa holds regular cloth diaper workshops, and offers consultancy services teaching parents and educators about the benefits of using cloth and how to choose the right system that best fits virtually any lifestyle and budget. Lisa’s mission: to change the world one bottom at a time!